We found this great blog from one of Canada’s leading authorities on housing science and energy efficiency, discussing how statistical analysis has shown that labeling homes as “green” helps not only initial sales, but re-sales as well. Here at Providence Homes, we couldn’t agree more!

If you are considering buying a new home, look for a recognized label like Energy Star or LEED for Homes that show you – and future buyers – exactly how energy-efficient your new home is!


Better re-sale value? Make it energy-efficient! Make it green!

Did you know that a home with a green rating or label could bring you almost 10% more in re-sale value?

Multiple studies coming out of the US show that homes with a green rating sell at a premium. In California, on average a green home was selling for 9% more than a comparable home on the market. For example, a non-labeled home selling for $400,000 compares to a labeled home that would sell for $434,800.

These same trends are developing here and in Canada as well. Any reluctance we might have about purchasing an energy efficient new home should be eliminated not only when we consider the ongoing costs savings on utility bills, but also the premium value available when it’s time to sell it.

*Source: “The Value of Green Labels” Nils Kok & Matthew E. Kahn